Planta Artificial, Árbol con Troncos Naturales, para Decoración Hogar, Bambú, Ficus, Wisteria, Olivo, Eucalipto, Almendro

Precio: $70,21$155,35
SKU: 10000026725423


Sin Preocupaciones ni Mantenimiento, Solo Disfruta!

En Maia Shop somos especialistas en diseño de plantas hiper-realistas sintéticas. Nos caracterizamos por utilizar materiales de primera categoría con los más altos estándares de calidad y durabilidad. Dad a vuestro vida es toque sofisticado sin la necesidad de realizar ningún mantenimiento.

Detalles Impresionantes: Plantas Hiper-realistas

Somos ese toque sofisticado y casual que faltaba en vuestro hogar… el color y dinamismo que necesita la nueva oficina o ese detalle elegante que decorará los momentos más especiales de vuestra vida, así es Maia Shop.


Libre Mantenimiento

– Ahorra en mantenimiento (no necesita agua, abono, poda) y podrás decorar espacios en los que no es beneficioso colocar plantas naturales.


– Utilizamos únicamente materiales de primera categoría con los más altos estándares de calidad y durabilidad.


– Árboles compuestos por troncos y cañas naturales, con ramas y hojas artificiales de gran calidad articuladas, para poder darle la forma deseada.


– Árbol 105cm / 150cm / 180cm alto x 60cm ancho. – Macetero: 20cm alto x 21cm ancho.


-No se incluye el macetero de la fotografía. El árbol viene con macetero de plástico negro.


– Un nuevo elemento decorativo esencial en bodas y eventos especiales, así como en la oficina y la recepción.


Decora tu casa con un estilo sofisticado y elegante.

Decoración de Hogar sin Límites

Recibirás un árbol listo para ser colocado en ese sitio especial, sin necesidad de ensamblar o colocar ningún tipo de pieza adicional.

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21 Replies to “Planta Artificial, Árbol con Troncos Naturales, para Decoración Hogar, Bambú, Ficus, Wisteria, Olivo, Eucalipto, Almendro”

  1. I ordered it on the 11th and it came on the 18th. I think it has a spectacular quality. You’re not going to get anything better at this price. The trunk is real, the super-gotten leaves. I’m freaking out, I want 3 or 4 jajaj
    The saleswoman answers quickly. I’m delighted with the truth. I’m trying to make good pictures for you to see.
    Thank you

  2. Wonderful, just like in the picture. The only thing is that the two tiestos came cracked. Otherwise very satisfied. They look super nice and arrived very fast. Thank you

  3. This is my second order and I will pass a third. It is beautiful, prettier when photo. Perfect quality, a real effect. It is well trimmed and does not make plastic at all. The trunks are real wood which makes the tree even more true. The seller is very professional, he quickly answer our questions. I highly recommend this seller is priced are unbeatable for exceptional quality. I am extremely satisfied with my order and that’s why I will buy other trees again

  4. It’s very pretty. In the absence of buying A pot and A few stones to put above or equal natural land. 10.10very accomplished.

  5. I ordered it on the 11th and it came on the 18th. I think it has a spectacular quality. You’re not going to get anything better at this price. The trunk is real, the super-gotten leaves. I’m freaking out, I want 3 or 4 jajaj
    The saleswoman answers quickly. I’m delighted with the truth. I’m trying to make good pictures for you to see.
    Thank you

  6. Wonderful, just like in the picture. The only thing is that the two tiestos came cracked. Otherwise very satisfied. They look super nice and arrived very fast. Thank you

  7. This is my second order and I will pass a third. It is beautiful, prettier when photo. Perfect quality, a real effect. It is well trimmed and does not make plastic at all. The trunks are real wood which makes the tree even more true. The seller is very professional, he quickly answer our questions. I highly recommend this seller is priced are unbeatable for exceptional quality. I am extremely satisfied with my order and that’s why I will buy other trees again

  8. It’s very pretty. In the absence of buying A pot and A few stones to put above or equal natural land. 10.10very accomplished.

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